A Powerful Course

Emotional Healing and Deliverance Training

Do you want to radically impact the world for Jesus? Do you want to walk in greater freedom and experience the very presence of God? Bringing Freedom to Yourself Mashah Emotional Healing and Deliverance will not only bring personal freedom but will also train and equip you to bring healing and freedom to others. This training provides an opportunity for you to go deeper with God. It calls you into a place of intimacy with Him where you can experience your own healing. Using a model that ministers to our hearts and belief systems, you soon find the very things that held you captive to repeated thought patterns and behaviors are broken off and being replaced with new life and freedom. Bringing Freedom to Others As you receive ministry yourself, you are being trained and equipped with a very powerful model that allows you to walk alongside those that are also longing to be all that God has created them to be. As hearts and minds are healed, you can become a powerful minister that effectively points others to His truth, power, and love – dispelling the lies of Satan, releasing healing and setting captives free. This course will be available for use by individuals, small groups, families, and larger contexts like churches and organizations.
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Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome To Advanced Mashah!
    • Advanced Mashah Course Overview
    • Advanced Mashah Course Workbook
    • AM Overview
  • 2
    • Grief PDF Slides
    • AM Grief
  • 3
    • Anger PDF Slides
    • AM Anger
  • 4
    Repressed Memories
    • Repressed Memories PDF Slides
    • AM Repressed Memories
  • 5
    • Depression PDF Slides
    • AM Depression
  • 6
    Spiritual Abuse
    • Spiritual Abuse PDF Slides
    • AM Spiritual Abuse
  • 7
    Review of Deliverance Basics
    • Deliverance Review PDF Slides
    • Deliverance Review
  • 8
    Advanced Deliverance Introduction
    • Advanced Deliverance
  • 9
    Jezebel Spirit, Cults, and False Religions
    • Jezebl Spirit, Cults, and False Religions PDF Slides
    • AM Occult and False Religions
    • AM Evil Spirits- Part 1
    • AM Evil Spirits- Part 2
  • 10
    • Dissociation PDF Slides
    • AM Dissociation
  • 11
    Sexual Sins
    • Sexual Sins PDF Slides
    • AM Sexual Sins
  • 12
    • Prayers, Practice, and Homework
    • The Mashah Ministry Model PDF Slides
  • 13
    Physical Healing
    • AM Healing
    • Clayton Collins
    • Jonathan Pasquale
  • 14
    Video Q & A
    • AM Q & A
  • 15
    Mashah Ministry and Memories
    • Mashah Ministry and Memories


  • Ruth Hendrickson

    Pastor | Teacher

    Ruth Hendrickson

    Ruth Hendrickson is a conference speaker, ministry trainer, board certified counselor, and served on the pastoral staff at a Spirit-filled United Methodist Church for over 13 years. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and an ordained minister with the American Presbyterian Church. Ruth has extensive experience in the development, training, implementation, and oversight of Emotional Healing Ministry Teams, Recovery Ministries, Prophetic Ministry, Prayer Ministries and Women’s Ministry. She is passionate about training, equipping, and releasing individuals to walk in wholeness, healing (both physical and emotional) and freedom. Ruth’s understanding of various denominations allows her to easily cross denominational boundary lines.